Hanging By A Thread

Kev Neylon
2 min readNov 30, 2021

You hang there, in mid air

On your gossamer spun thread

I stand here, with no fear

Despite your size and colouring

I look up to see to what you are attached

And see nothing above you

Yet, there you float on your line

The wind buffeting you back and forth

I’ve never seen your type before

Your shape, your colour, and your size set you apart

I’m fascinated by you

I want to take a photo

It’s hard to focus the lens

And as I click and the shutter whirrs

The wind takes you out of shot

All I get is random people stood far away

And then you are back

And I click again

I have your image now

As if satisfied you start to climb

Back to where I cannot see

You mission somehow complete, you retreat

Your round orange body rises to the clouds

Is that where your thread starts

And why I haven’t seen you before

A lesser spotted cloud spider

Returning to the sky

Until the next time you want to be a star

And have your picture taken

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Kev Neylon

Writing fiction, travel, history, sport, & music blogs. Monthly e-zine with all kinds of writing at www.onetruekev.co.uk. All pictures used are my own.