Kev NeylonSt Mary The Virgin, Kirkby LonsdaleVisited on Tuesday 21st December 2021Dec 23, 20211Dec 23, 20211
Kev NeylonA Wander Around Kirkby LonsdaleA day trip to Kirkby Lonsdale was suggested. We always try to go at least one way by the scenic route. I’d seen the sign for the A683 to…Dec 23, 20212Dec 23, 20212
Kev NeylonHunting-doneAnother trip, another weekend away. It seems as if we’d only just got back from the last one. Cambridgeshire here we come. And we set off…Sep 2, 20212Sep 2, 20212
Kev NeylonThe Octogenarian TourAfter managing to drag ourselves out of bed and have breakfast our first stop of the day was at the Cathedral where we find entry is…Sep 4, 20213Sep 4, 20213
Kev NeylonNo Route MarchThe original plan was we would head over to March and have a wander around there, but I was the one suggesting not to stick to the plan for…Sep 5, 20212Sep 5, 20212
Kev NeylonWhat Do These People Want?Peterborough. It’s been a long time since I’ve been here, and Helen never has. I used to come over on a regular basis when I was a child…Sep 5, 20212Sep 5, 20212
Kev NeylonDo The Barts ManWorking a compressed week does mean that you can wake up on a Friday morning and say, “let’s go to London”. And that’s what we did…Sep 6, 20212Sep 6, 20212
Kev NeylonSS Great BritainThe SS Great Britain. We were in Bristol and it would have been a shame not to visit one of the city’s most famous attractions. It is…Nov 18, 20212Nov 18, 20212
Kev NeylonSt Mary Redcliffe BristolWe visited the church properly on Saturday 13th November 2021.Nov 24, 20212Nov 24, 20212
Kev NeylonBristol CathedralWe fully visited the Cathedral on Saturday 13th November 2021.Nov 24, 20212Nov 24, 20212
Kev NeylonThe Power of AntiquesOur last full day away saw a later start than we’d had whilst on holiday. It started with a drive to Middleton along a long windy country…Aug 18, 20212Aug 18, 20212
Kev NeylonNo Mint Cake in KendalI really don’t know what day it is now. All I do know is that we are off to Kendal. It is a difficult drive, mainly due to flailing arms…Aug 18, 20213Aug 18, 20213
Kev NeylonTo Clitheroe….EventuallyIt’s nice not to have to rush as there is no set time for breakfast. Even so we are still out just after ten. We are going to Clitheroe…Aug 18, 20212Aug 18, 20212
Kev NeylonFunny Angles on AngleseySunday was a more leisurely start, and from being the first to breakfast the day before, we’d gone to being that annoying couple who just…Aug 18, 20213Aug 18, 20213
Kev NeylonTo Caernarvon And BackIt was back to Porthmadog on the Saturday morning, for an earlier start than the Thursday, but it wasn’t as much of a rush. It’s so much…Aug 18, 20212Aug 18, 20212
Kev NeylonMore Bangor For Your BuckHelen and I weren’t in any particular rush this morning, but we weren’t going anywhere in particular. However, for Nathan, Heather, and…Aug 30, 20214Aug 30, 20214
Kev NeylonConwy Or AnotherI’m gonna get ya, I’m gonna gonna gonna gonna get ya. It’s amazing what rubbish pops into my head.Aug 30, 20212Aug 30, 20212
Kev NeylonHead Into The CloudsSo, it is climb Snowdon day, well for Nathan, Ciaran, and Heather it is. Helen and I were going to be attending a meeting of hobblers…Aug 30, 20214Aug 30, 20214
Kev NeylonI Am Not A NumberIt’s Monday I think, well I hope, because if it isn’t then we are going to Portmeirion on the wrong day. Breakfast is interesting, as…Aug 30, 20212Aug 30, 20212